People we meet often exhibit both similarities and differences in their behaviour compared to ours. While this dynamic can often lead to confusion, irritation and at times even misunderstandings and conflicts, it does not have to be this way. The online session “Culture and social behaviour” invites participants to analyse a range of possible behavioural orientations that people can exhibit to a greater or lesser degree. This will provide us with insights into how others’ behaviour may differ from our own. These insights enable us to focus on how our own behavioural orientations influence our expectations with regard to culture, the overall context and our view of the people involved. Participants are guided in developing their own cultural profile along several parameters, enabling them to detect potential differences as well as commonalities with cultural others.

Downloads: Case Studies – Activities – Tasks for Learning Review

Case Study: "Feedback"

Case Study: "Coffee breaks and overtime"

Activity: "Cultural (team) orientation"

Learning Review: Case Study "With shoes or without?"

Last modified: Thursday, 20 June 2024, 3:51 PM