Having previously focused on the various characteristics of culture, the session “Communication and the communication process” in the online course as well as session six, entitled “Intercultural communication and the co-creation of meaning”, establish our understanding of communication and develop the link between communication and culture. In this context, communication is understood as a complex, reciprocal and ongoing process that moves us towards a collaborative construction of meaning through a deep understanding of each other’s perspectives. Against this background, the transactional model of communication is introduced as part of this session and participants learn how it can be used to analyse a communication situation in its complexity and entirety.

Downloads: Case Studies – Activities – Tasks for Learning Review

Case Study: "Nonverbal / paraverbal / extraverbal communication"

Activity: "Drawing a house"

Learning Review: Case Study "The many faces of feedback"

Modifié le: jeudi 20 juin 2024, 16:05