In the previous session you learned that team members occupy different social and functional roles. In addition, you gained insights into which particular roles you might flourish when working in a team. Whichever roles these are, each and every person is key in supporting the team, mitigating differences and creating mutuality. How this can be achieved is the focus of this unit.

Task: Which teams perform best?

Let's start with a question: Which teams do you believe will perform better, those which are diverse or those which are homogeneous?
Take three minutes to note down your answer in your learning journal.

Considering our definition of culture, we might say that a completely homogenous virtual team does not really exist because our team members will naturally display differences, such as different levels and areas of knowledge, different educational and professional backgrounds, different ages and self-identities. Therefore, it is important for every team to explore their differences and commonalities and use these for the benefit of the team. The aim of this session is thus to introduce you to the so called MBI approach. In this endeavour you will use identity profiles to support the mapping process as a first step towards mitigating differences.

Download: Learning journal for session 5

Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024, 16:40