The course is composed of nine sessions. Each session is divided into several sections and learning activities or tasks.

To go to a course session, click on the corresponding link via the navigation bar on the left. That session link will then expand to show the list of sections / topics within that session. Click on a section link to jump to that section.

Alternatively, you can also use the main section to navigate through the course. By clicking on a session title that session will expand to show its sections. Directly below the session title you will find a table of contents with hyperlinks you can use to jump to the different sections / topics of that session.

To return to the start of a session from within a section, click on the link to that session on the navigation bar on the left or use the link 'Back to session start' that is provided at the bottom of each section page.

Zuletzt geändert: Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2025, 11:08