We are committed to providing higher vocational education based on scientific evidence free of charge. It is our strong belief that contributing to providing equal opportunities of education will help us all to grow and learn to interact as global citizens.
Therefore the content of this online course is, unless stated otherwise, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which means that it is freely available for anyone to use, adapt and share as long as the author collective is being credited and any derivative works are shared under the same terms.
Please credit the author collective as follows:
Iken, Adelheid / Nazarkiewicz, Kirsten / Voigt, Andrea / Witchalls, Peter / Yildirim-Krannig, Yeliz (2024): EduBox – Virtual Intercultural Teams – Online Modules (Version 1.0. Hamburg Open Online University HOOU), Glocal Campus Jena. https://glocal-campus.org
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