Working in VITeams can be exciting and challenging at the same time and it definitely constitutes a new way of collaborative work. This is also why working in VITeams requires a different set of knowledge, skills and abilities than working in face-to-face teams. The sessions you worked on so far opened a path of enhancing such competences and using them for making virtual teamwork a positive, enriching and successful experience.

Having virtual and intercultural competences and continuously improving upon them is a key qualification in today’s business world. This is in particularly so because with further advancements of computer technologies, virtual teamwork is not only there to stay but likely to increase and influence our work environments in the future even more.

With this in mind, this concluding session is meant to highlight competences which are of particular relevance when working in virtual and intercultural teams and provide you with an opportunity to reflect upon your learnings and achievements. The aim is thus to raise your awareness of the competences you improved upon and reflect on how they are expressed in teamwork enabling you to pinpoint personal achievements and further study paths.

Zuletzt geändert: Samstag, 16. September 2023, 23:46